Heal Your Inner Child Before Becoming a Mom

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As you transition into motherhood, whether you’re already pregnant or just thinking about the next step, there’s one super important thing that you can do:

Heal your inner child before becoming a mom.

Most women don’t do this, and full disclosure, I didn’t do it either. But I SO wish I had. Instead, I had to go through postpartum depression and anxiety to learn my lessons. Life always finds a way to teach us the lessons we need to learn, but we can choose to do so before we go through a deep crisis.

Your inner child is the child inside of you. It includes all that you learned while you were a child. Your inner child is always present, but it may be hard to get in touch with it, especially if serious traumas occurred during childhood. In general, your inner child wants to be seen, heard, and supported. This is what we all need in life, but often, instead of listening to the inner child and express what we truly need, we turn to anger, resentment, and judgment. These are some of the ego’s favorite tools to keep us stuck and create negative cycles.

Your life as a child ends up shaping many of your beliefs and behaviors. In most cases, where no serious trauma occurred, there are still shadows that we need to bring to light and integrate. These may include limiting beliefs, harsh judgment towards yourself and others, insecurities, and self-sabotaging tendencies. We all have these shadows, and more often than not, they tend to become patterns that we repeat or attract several times during the course of a lifetime, until we bring the shadow to light, process it, and integrate it.

Here are three reasons why it’s so important to heal your inner child before becoming a mom:

  1. If you heal your inner child, you’ll enhance your transformation

    Motherhood is a moment of death and rebirth. Your life as you know it will change completely. It’s a beautiful process, but it can be scary and overwhelming. If you start to work on yourself before and heal your inner child, you’ll open up to the transformation, and it will be easier for you to accept and face the challenges that come.

  2. If you heal your inner child, you’ll develop unconditional love for yourself

    It’s easy to lose love for yourself during the process of becoming a mom. You may lose love for your body or you may not recognize yourself anymore as a person. If you start the work now and attend to the needs of your inner child, you’ll open up your heart and the challenges on your path won’t affect the love for your soul.

  3. If you heal your inner child, you’ll become a better mom to your child

    If you don’t heal your inner child, you may end up transferring your negative patterns to your child. For example, if you’re judgemental, you may start to judge your child, and your child will start to judge other people as she/he grows up. There are no perfect parents, but you can take steps now to become the best mom that you can be.

You can start to work on yourself by asking your inner child what she needs in every situation that creates frustration or anger. You can journal about it, or you can close your eyes, place your hand on your heart, and ask your inner child: “What do you need?” Oftentimes, your inner voice will tell you that everything will be okay or that you are loved. Listen!

If you’re reading this and you want to become the confident and powerful mama you’re meant to be, start with my FREE guide: 4 STEPS TO START TO EMBODY THE EMPRESS MAMA, or check out my mom coaching programs.


Three Lessons That Motherhood Taught Me


A Heartfelt Letter To You, Mom To Be